Opening of the junior leadership training

The College of Policing in collaboration with the Fiji Police School of Leadership and Management are facilitating a Junior Leadership Training running concurrently in two Divisions.

The two weeks Junior Leadership Training program facilitated by the UK College of Policing and supported by the UK in Fiji got underway yesterday at the Nakasi Police Training Room and at the Western Division Training Room in Lautoka.

Opening the program at Nakasi was Her Excellency the British Deputy High Commissioner Nicola Noble who said, “The emerging leaders training will take place in the next two weeks and around 80 officers will be trained over the next three months over the different levels of training so this is the first step"

"Our colleagues will be coming back in August to conduct more training and this will be for the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent level and senior leadership level training is in September,” said Ms Noble.

The Deputy British High Commissioner said she was glad to see the participation of women as the United Kingdom is keen on strengthening Women Leadership in Policing.

“I’m really happy to see a number of women here today. We believe that having Women in the Police Force empowers our society and I congratulate you for being here and for your commitments”. 

Ms Noble acknowledged the Fiji Police Force for its partnership and collaboration in working together to initiate the training which will be beneficial for everybody.

Moving forward, she said they will want to make similar trainings available in the Pacific Region.

The Western Division cohort training was officially opened by the Divisional Police Commander West Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Iakobo .