Closing of Basic Prosecutions Course

Thirty-six police officers have successfully completed the one month Basic Prosecutors Course facilitated by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Closing course was the Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions Elizabeth Rice who said the officers were now equipped with the knowledge to assist them with the basics in trial preparation and advocacy.

“Remember, we are all working for the same cause, and we all have an interest in seeing that prosecutions before the courts of Fiji are properly conducted”.

Ms Rice went on to say, “You work at the coal face of the criminal justice system and need to deal with a large number of files in quick succession. It is not an easy job, and it is not one for the faint hearted. But it can be very rewarding. Those rewards come when we train, when we practise, when we refine our technique”.

The Basic Prosecution Course delivered by the DPP’s office is aimed at empowering officers knowledge of the basics of prosecuting in Fiji's courts.
