39 officers complete Sergeants Course

The Chief of Planning, Research and Doctrine (CPRD) Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Aporosa Lutunauga reminded the 39 officers that completed their Sergeant Qualifying Course today to “lead by example”.

ACP Lutunauga said the Fiji Police Force is aligning itself with the direction given by ?the Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration Honourable Pio Tikoduadua?? and that it should uphold the law and work according only to the rule of law.

“Most of you are middle managers in your respective Units or Formations, so many of your officers will look up to you and will follow your example.

They will see how you perform and take their cue from how you lead,” he said.

“You hold a critical position in your respective positions and how you carry out your role will determine the rise and fall your Units or Formations performance,” he added ACP Lutunauga said after completing th?e ??course, opportunities have opened up ?for promotion.

“Make use of the opportunity to progress and take up leadership positions,” he said.

The 39 officers had undergone the 4-week qualifying course at the Police Special Response Unit (PSRU) training room in Nasinu.

Meanwhile, the three officers that received the Excellence Awards for the course were Sergeant Timaima Vatubua of Eastern Division Internal Affairs Unit ?who scored the 3rd highest aggregate marks, Acting Sergeant Ana Bola Vere of CID Headquarters Cyber Crime Unit for scoring the 2nd highest and Acting Sergeant Allan Nair of Nadi Border Police Unit for scoring the Highest aggregate marks.