PC Alvin Chand from Viria in Naitasiri had attained the highest aggregate marks in all theoretical and practical assessments of the Basic Recruits Course to be recognized as the DUX of the Basic Recruit Course 62.

He was awarded the Commissioners Book Prize during the Passing out Parade at the Nasova ground yesterday.

The 23 year old who graduated with a Bachelor in Tourism Hospitality Management is a former student of Bucalevu Muslim Primary School as well as Labasa Muslim College.

Witnessing the police conducting duties during an accident in Labasa in 2017 while he was a student, ignited his desire to become a member of the Fiji Police Force, a decision he never regretted.

PC Chand has dedicated his award to his daughter Colette Titukana and his mum who he labels as his pillar of strength.

PC Chand believes great achievements are usually born from sacrifice, also reminding the young generation to obey their parents irrespective of what situation they may be in as they will be blessed for doing so.

