Public Health Infringement Notice

One hundred and fourteen Public Health Infringement Notices were issued for breach of COVID safe measures over the last 48-hour period Seventy PHINs were issued from Wednesday morning to Thursday morning.

Failure to wear a face covering accounted for 44 cases with the Southern Division recording 21 cases, West 16, PSRU 6 and one PHIN issued in the Eastern Division.

Fifteen PHINs were issued for breach of curfew.

Eleven were issued in the Western Division and 4 in the Southern Division.

Six PHINs were issued in the Western Division for social gathering.

For failure to wear a mask in a Public Service Vehicle three were issued in the Southern Division and two in the Northern Division.

From Thursday morning up until this morning, 44 PHINs were issued.

Thirty-five for failure to wear a face covering in public.

Two divisions recorded PHINs for failure to wear masks namely the Southern Division with 19 cases and Western Division with 16 cases.

Four PHINs were issued for breach of curfew, 3 in the Western Division and 1 in the Southern Division.

A PHIN for breach of isolation/quarantine protocol was issued to a Police officer in the Eastern Division.

Two Public Service Vehicle drivers were issued PHINs for failing to comply with 50% PSV passenger capacity.

Fijians can expect more stringent enforcement of COVID-19 safe measures and operations have been beefed up to ensure compliance.