CPC Member of Sanima District

Operation “Vueti Sauca” underway on the island of Kadavu aims to empower the 75 villages of the 9 Districts to work in partnership with Police in addressing crimes and other social issues in their communities.

The Operation conducted by the Southern Division Community Policing Unit will begin with a workshop to empower communities and selected Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) members on how the CPC’s can work together with Police for safer communities.

On Friday, the Tikina of Sanima became the first of the 9 Tikina’s to launch their CPC, and a member of the Committee is 73-year old Anare Baba of Naivakarauniniu Village.

"I'm happy to be part of the committee and hope to contribute effectively to bring positive changes and it is the first time the Fiji Police Force has taken this approach to educate us before we form Crime prevention committees", he added.

My message to youths, focus on your education so you are able earn a respectable and decent living.
